Orders can be cancelled from the time they were placed up until 14 days after you receive your goods. To cancel or return an order, you must contact us at shop@micil.ie for further instructions. All approved refunds will be processed via the same method you used to pay.
If you cancel your order before it is dispatched, we will refund the full value of your order. To cancel an order before it is dispatched, simply send us an email at shop@micil.ie with your name and your order number and we will refund you.
If you cancel your order after your goods have been dispatched we will refund you the full value within 14 days of receiving the goods back at our warehouse once the following conditions are met:
To return goods to us, simply send us an email to shop@micil.ie with the following information:
Please send the goods to the bonded warehouse that we use for facilitating our website shop orders: Unit 3, Cork Bonded Warehouses, Little Island Business Park, Little Island, Cork, T45 YF43. Please do NOT send the goods back to our distillery address in Salthill.
If you paid for standard delivery when you made the order, we will refund this if you return it. If you chose a more expensive delivery option, you’ll have to pay the difference.
If we deliver the wrong product, a product is faulty or defective or is not as described, please notify us within 7 days of receiving and we will either replace or resend the items or organise a full refund once the goods are returned to us
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Free shipping* throughout February with coupon 'MADEIRA-FREE' on our Micil Madeira Island Whiskey bottle.
*Rep. of Ireland orders only