Irish Whiskey
35.5ml Micil Earls Island
15ml Sweet Vermouth
Soda Water
Orange slice
Add the Earls Island, vermouth and soda water to a tall glass with ice. Stir to combine. Garnish with an orange slice.
Micil Earls Island
46% ABV 700ML
A fruity, spicy single pot still Irish whiskey enriched by Bordeaux red wine casks, with hints of soft turf smoke from ex-peated whiskey casks.
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Dia Dhuit! Hello! Micil Distillery226 Upper Salthill,Galway, H91 N9WK, 091 374 222 For Online Shop enquiries contact or call 091 423 086 For
Micil Distillery Experience
Tour Overview Our classic distillery experience focuses on the real history of poitín, Ireland’s original spirit. You’ll learn what poitín’s really made from (hint –
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