Connemara Collins

Irish Gin


35.5ml Micil Irish Gin

25ml Fresh Lemon Juice

10ml Sugar Syrup

Fresh Blueberries


Shaken Cocktail – served Tall

Place 5/6 blueberries in a cocktail shaker and muddle them, squeezing the juices. Add the rest of your ingredients to the shaker and top with ice. Shake vigourously. Strain & pour over ice in a tall glass, top with soda water and give a light stir. Garnish with blueberries.

Connemara Collins Cocktail with Irish Gin

Micil Irish Gin

42% ABV 700ML

A luxury Connemara Gin with extraordinary flavour, distilled with wild Connemara flowers and herbs including bogbean, bog myrtle, heather and hawberry.

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